Ferret Ownership Statistics in The US and UK

Ferrets have gained popularity as pets in recent years, with their playful and inquisitive nature captivating the hearts of many pet lovers. However, before considering bringing a ferret into your home, you need to understand the ownership statistics and trends. This article will explore the current data on ferret ownership in both the United States and the United Kingdom, shedding light on the popularity of these adorable creatures.

A close look at a ferret's face

Ferret Ownership in the United States

The Growing Trend

In the United States, ferrets have seen a surge in popularity as small pets. According to the National Institutes of Health, the number of households owning ferrets has steadily increased over the past decade. As of the most recent statistics, it is estimated that there are 8 million ferrets kept as pets in the United States. According to a recent recent statistic from Forbes, about 6.7 million US households own pet ferrets.

According to Vet Street, numerous ferret owners in the United States surrender their beloved pets to shelters each year for a variety of reasons. These include situations where children have lost interest or moved away to pursue higher education, the fact that ferrets are considered the most costly small pets to maintain, or simply due to a lack of personal time and commitment.

Ferrets as Family Members

Ferrets are often regarded as part of the family by their owners. With their affectionate and sociable nature, it is no wonder that ferrets have become cherished companions in many households. Many ferret owners enjoy the interactive playtime and snuggles that these furry friends provide.

Ferret Ownership Laws

In the United States, ferret ownership is legal in most states. However, there are a few exceptions. California and Hawaii, for instance, have restrictions on ferret ownership. 

Ferrets rank as the third most favored furry companion in the United States.

However, it is disheartening to note that a handful of states fail to acknowledge ferrets as domestic animals, thereby prohibiting their ownership as pets in certain areas. In several locations, acquiring permits is mandatory for those wishing to own a pet ferret.

Moreover, even in states where ferret ownership is permitted, individual cities and towns may impose their own set of regulations. A prime example of this is the state of New York, where ferrets are legally allowed, yet deemed illegal within the confines of New York City.

As a result, potential ferret owners in the US need to familiarize themselves with the laws and regulations in their specific state or municipality before adopting a ferret.

Also read: Common bad habits in ferrets

Ferret Ownership in the United Kingdom

The Rise in Popularity

Ferrets have also captured the hearts of pet owners in the United Kingdom. In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of ferret owners across the UK. According to SAGA UK, the estimated number of ferrets owned as pets in the UK exceeds 500,000.

Ferrets as Working Animals

In addition to being somewhat popular as pets, ferrets have a long history of being used as working animals in the UK. They are skilled hunters and excel in controlling rodent populations. Many owners in rural areas still utilize their ferrets for this purpose. This unique aspect of ferret ownership adds to their appeal for those living in countryside settings.

According to SAGA, UK farmers are highly motivated to control the rabbit population due to their voracious appetite for grass, as well as their tendency to consume young wheat, barley, and sugar beet. To achieve this, farmers are increasingly turning to the assistance of ferrets. These small carnivores have become an integral part of the farmers' strategy in curbing the rabbit population.

Ferret Ownership Laws

Unlike the United States, ferret ownership is legal across the entirety of the United Kingdom. However, certain regulations apply in terms of microchipping and vaccinations. Prospective ferret owners must adhere to these guidelines to ensure the well-being and legality of their ferrets.

Also read: Are ferrets destructive chewers?


Ferret ownership is on the rise both in the United States and the United Kingdom. These charming creatures offer companionship and entertainment to their owners, making them highly sought-after pets. While ferret ownership laws vary between the two countries, you, as a potential owner, should familiarize yourself with the regulations in your specific region.

Whether you are considering a ferret as a playful family pet or for their working abilities, these delightful animals are sure to bring joy and excitement to your life.
